CBSF is now offering all new students a $30 for your first month of Beginner’s classes. This is a great way for you to practice and learn about Capoeira for an amazing price. Please contact us today, or drop by a class anytime to take advantage of this amazing deal.

Hello my name is Susan and I live right up the street from your new studio on irving and 40th. I was wondering if there is an age limit on your students….I am a healthy 56 year old woman and would like to join the beginners classes but I am not sure how you feel about older people enrolling. I read the history of the course how it got started and the benefits …so I am really interested. I used to run 5 miles every day until 3 years ago and my knee just couldn’t do it anymore so I switched to walking and the treadmills in limited amounts of time. But I do cardio and that type of thing so I am in pretty good shape for my age. Please let me know your criteria for joining this class I did notice mostly young people in the pics you have online so..I don’t know ….I don’t want to put myself in a place where its akward for everyone you now what I mean?
Good Luck
hi Susan!
Please call Aranha at (415) 205-8422 and he can talk it through with you.